The Six Things That Affect the Price of a Sliding Security Door are:

There are six things that can affect the total cost of your sliding security doors – learn what they are in our latest article.

These variables have the most impact on the total price of your sliding security door and in this article, we’re diving into each of them to discover how and why.  Discovering the how and why will give you a great understanding of why we need to complete a check measure on all security door orders. Why our dealers need to ensure that the right options have been selected and that the estimate check measure update our dealers does for you is correct. Read on to learn more about the six things that can affect the price of your new sliding security door.

1 Configuration

The number one thing that affects the price of a sliding security door is its configuration. Configuration refers to how many fixed and sliding glass sections are in your glass door. A simple OX sliding door will have one fixed glass panel (the O) and one sliding glass section (the X) resulting in one sliding security door. There is a single security door panel for each X in a sliding glass door configuration.

An OXXO double sliding glass door has two glass sliding panels that meet in the middle. In a double sliding door you require two sliding security doors. The XXO or OXX configuration is called a stacker door. Here there are two sliding panels that go in the same direction and stack on top of each other. Two X’s means two sliding security panels. The largest type of configuration is an OXXXXO double stack door, which is a combination of the double door and the stacked door with a total of four security or insect sliding door sections.

Essentially, the more sliding sections your glass door has, the more security doors you will require.

2 The Style of Security Door

The second thing that will affect the price of your security door is the type of security door you want to install. Style is an industry word for product. There are a number of different product options to choose from to suit different budgets. Diamond grille is the most affordable option and is available with a single lock or triple lock. The next option is BasiX (316 stainless mesh), followed by Xceed (a perforated aluminium sheet), then colonial castings, and finally our premium product SecureView which is a 316 high tensile woven mesh. A security grade SecureView sliding door set can be double the price of a safety grade diamond grille sliding door set.

3 Door Size

The size of your door is an obvious factor. Some doors – such as a laundry sliding door – are going to be smaller than say the door leading to your outdoor patio area. Although they might be the same configuration (a single sliding door), the pricing will differ as the size of the sliding security door changes.

As an example, the average laundry door is around 800 wide x 2100mm high, whereas the door leading to your patio could be twice the size and one and a half times the price.

4 The Tracks

If there are no tracks in your sliding door for the security door to be installed into then it can be very expensive to build new sliding security door tracks and framework. Most glass sliding doors in homes will have insect or security tracks as part of the sliding glass door. But for units and especially high-rise buildings they may not.

If your sliding glass door does not have security door track then we will need to build them for you which will usually cost between $200-600. For multi-panel configuration sliding doors framework and tracks can exceed $1000.

5 Location

Where you live can make a price difference. If you are located in a rural or remote area, it is going to cost more to have the doors freighted to you. It may also cost more to have a tradesman travel to your property once for the check-measure, and then again for the installation. If you live in a remote location, then I’m sure you are already aware of these types of costs, but it is worth mentioning so that you are able to budget for it. Check out our rural and remote article about our offer for farmers and other remote location ABN holders to purchase supply only at special rates and ship.

6 Colour

The sixth and final thing that will impact the cost of your sliding security door is the frame colour. We have a number of standard colours that are ‘off the shelf’ options which don’t require powder coating. These options are cheaper than powder coated colours.

This cost isn’t huge and won’t make a major difference to the total cost of the door, but it is a consideration if you are trying to go for the most cost-effective option possible.

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If you’d like to learn more about our sliding security doors or would like to organise a quote, please get in touch with Starline Security for more information.

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